For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
Open System Preferences and go to Keyboard:Select the Shortcuts tab. Make sure the box for "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls" is checked.
Select the Advanced tab. Make sure the box for "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" is checked.
Santa Fe Unit School is located in the heart of Santa Fe, Tennessee. We are a Kindergarten through 12th-grade Unit School serving approximately 600 students.
Our teachers, staff, parents, and the community work together to bring a positive environment for our students to learn and excel.
Phone 931-682-2172
Fax 931 682-2606
Santa Fe Unit School's purpose is to use the RTI2-B program to improve our school culture and climate.
Our goal is to acknowledge students for displaying our PAWS expectations:
Personal Best Always Responsible Work and Play Safely Show Respect
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September 4, 2024
Maury County Public Schools (MCPS) has made significant strides in English Language Arts (ELA) proficiency, as shown in the 2024 scores released by the Tennessee Department of Education! 🎉
We are excited to announce the launch of the new Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction exclusively for 9th and 10th grade students at Maury County Public Schools!
Join us for a thrilling lineup of games featuring our talented student-athletes
Visitors are permitted in the school during appropriate times including for school programs, athletic events, open house, other similar public events, volunteer work, conferences, and meetings.
“Dedicated to Excellence in Education”
Maury County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district activities and programs. MCPS also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.