Supply Chain Planning

The written case assignments are to be done in groups. Each group must have three or four students, and will stay together for the term. Cases can be found in the course text:

[SKS] = Simchi-Levi, David, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi-Levi. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain. McGraw Hill/Irwin, 2007. ISBN: 9780073341521.

Each group must submit all four written assignments. Each assignment should be at most 2500 words. In addition to 2500 words of text, you might have tables, figures and possibly an appendix.

Questions for each case can be found in the text and should be addressed in the write -up. For each case there is an opportunity to do some analysis to develop and/or support your recommendations. In your write-up, you should describe clearly the analysis that you have done. As appropriate, you should document what assumptions or approximations are being made, where that data comes from, and what the limitations are from your analysis.

Problem Sets

There are three problem sets assigned in this course.