Green field

The Institute of Public Rights of Way and Access Management is the professional body which represents individuals employed in the management of public rights of way and other access in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, principally as local government officers.

Its members cover the whole of the field of access work, from countryside rangers putting in gates to enforcement officers, path inspectors, strategic access developers and solicitors, as well as those maintaining the definitive map and making public path orders.

dog walker in field


Being a member of IPROW means being in the know – having access to the very best professional advice and being confident you are up to date with the latest changes to case law, legislation, regulations and Government advice.

dog walker in field

Summer field and gate

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IPROW is the leading source of information about job vacancies for people working in the access and rights of way profession. Our journal Waymark also carries a range of product and services advertisements and is distributed to all members and subscribers four times a year.

Summer field and gate

IPROW's latest news

MoD art installation for public awareness

14th August 2024

An art display of soldiers is the latest part of a public safety campaign to protect the public from harm and limit disruption to military training. This is important when MOD land has public access but “can go from calm to combat at a moment’s notice”. Read more …

Defra on ROW Reform: timetable update

10th May 2024

Defra on ROW reform: Timetable update

This information is in the public domain and can be shared freely.

From Paul Davison, Defra Lead:

Defra on ROW reform: timetable update

30th January 2024

Defra on ROW reform: Timetable update

This information is in the public domain and can be shared freely.